We have some of New Zealand's most enthusiastic and accomplished shooters and bowhunters on our staff.
Philip Bullivant
We like to call Philip the 'grandfather of bowhunting' in NZ. He has shot over 100 deer with bow and arrow and still gets as excited about shooting deer as he did when he started. He has helped many people along the way and in the last few years his wife Jenny has got back into bowhunting and together they are enjoying helping grandson Cooper get started. Cooper shot his first deer at the age of 8, how cool is that!?! Philip shoots the Mathews V3X 29.
Simon Bullivant
Simon Bullivant (yes he is Philip and Jenny's son) is a long-time hunting staff shooter and was a full time staff member in the shop from 2010-15. Simon is an NZBS Master Bowhunter and in 1999 and 2012 won "Bowhunter of the Year". He currently has the No.3 Red Deer in the record book at 280DS. Simon writes a regular bowhunting technical article in the NZ Hunter magazine. Simon is also an excellent taxidermist and runs his own taxidermy business, TruLife Taxidermy. Simon shoots the Mathews V3X.
Steve Meadows
Steve was a long time rifle hunter before he took up bowhunting in 2009. He is the moderator on the FishnHunt Forum bowhunting section and is a regular feature writer for Rod & Rifle magazine. Steve shoots the Mathews V3X.
Matt Willis
Matt produces the excellent Hooked on Adventures hunting DVD's Hooked on the Outdoors which screened in 2014 on Country TV. He is one of New Zealand's most successful bowhunters. Matt was the first NZBS member to shoot over 100 deer, has shot the most big game animals and is a 4 time winner of NZBS Bowhunter of the Year. Matt shoots a Mathews Chill-R.
Leith McKenzie
Leith McKenzie from Dargaville has been hunting since he was 12 years old and bowhunting for many years. Leith hunts all over New Zealand from the Far North to Stewart Island. He has won numerous awards, in 2005 Leith became the NZBS 53rd Master Bowhunter and has record book fallow, 2 sets of pig tusks and an 11.5kg koi carp. Leith shoots the Mathews Triax.
Cody Weller
Cody earned his NZBS Master Bowhunter award at the age of 15. Records collected include: 3 rd Rusa, 2 nd Sika, 2 nd Whitetail, 4 th Tahr and three Chamois in the top five. He also has placings with Wild Rams and Pigs plus a Red and a Fallow. Cody has spent his lifetime hunting and in the outdoors, having been a professional hunter for 20 years. He has been involved in archery and bowhunting since he could walk. Cody shoots a Mathews V3X 33.
Samantha Weller
Sam was introduced to bowhunting when her and Cody first met in 2010 and she has been shooting ever since. Sam received her Masters in 2013, making her just the fourth woman to ever receive the award. She currently holds the #1 record for Chamois in NZ by bow and has taken many other big game since, including being the first female NZBS member to take a Whitetail deer. Sam says, "Bowhunting teaches you patience, it gives you some incredible experiences being so close to wild game, it provides you with hard lessons on failure and the highest of highs when you succeed." Sam shoots the Mathews Prima.
Conor Watson
Carol and Kevin's son Conor shot his first deer with a bow aged 13, and has been bowhunting ever since. He is also a keen spear and fly fisherman. The hunter/gatherer gene is strong in this one. Conor is an experienced bow technician and works full time in the shop. This year he is shooting the Mathews V3X 33
Karen Burnet
Karen has been a long-term member of the Advanced Archery staff shooting team and has been involved with administration of both the Kiwi 3D Series for 13 years and Pine Ridge Archers since taking up the sport 18 years ago. She has taken out many tournament and 3D trophies and loves chasing warm and cold-blooded critters! Karen shoots a Hoyt Carbon Spyder Turbo.
Craig Burnet
Craig has been a member of Pine Ridge Archers since 2000 and created the popular Kiwi 3D Series in 2005. He ran the Bowhunter Open tournament at Pine Ridge for many years and is a Director of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP NZ). Craig currently shoots a Hoyt Carbon Spyder Turbo.