Do you want to shoot as accurately as you can? The first step is to ensure your equipment is Fit-to-Shoot.

A personalised equipment setup
Our aim is for you to be successful, whatever style of shooting you select, but you need the right set-up! There are a lot of options when setting up a bow and choosing accessories. We spend time with you to ensure you will have the right combination and that your setup is a custom fit.

How does it work?
We spend up to two hours with you ensuring we get the right set-up for you. We follow a proven process which systematically tailors your bow and accessories for you and your needs. This includes:

  • Establishing your eye dominance to determine whether you will shoot left or right handed.
  • Choosing the right bow for your needs.
  • Selecting the accessories or accessories package that will best suit you.
  • Selecting your arrows with our Easton Arrow Selection Software.
  • Coaching, using a string bow and a Genesis Pro bow to get the basics of good shooting form and a consistent shot sequence. This is essential before we can begin the next step - custom fitting your bow to you...
  • Custom-fitting your equipment to you including drawlength, peep sight height, wheel timing, string condition, wheel alignment, arrow rest setup, nocking point position, tiller, release aid setup
  • A complete record of your bow's settings.

Why do I need Fit-to-Shoot?
You'll leave with your bow completely set up, all accessories installed and you're now ready to shoot!

How long does it take?
Fit-to-Shoot is the ultimate in personalisation and can take up to two hours to complete - sometimes more depending on how tricky you are! But we'll work with you as long as it takes to get the results we're looking for.

How much does it cost?
It's a FREE service with your bow purchase and also includes a free tune up one month later to make any fine adjustments. If you already have a bow requiring a custom tuning, we offer this same service at a competitive hourly rate.

Fit-to-Shoot is the best investment in time you will ever make with your archery.
